Print Newspaper Ad Costs

admin February 1, 2021

Print Newspaper Ad Costs

Many business owners have concerns that they wouldn’t be able to afford to advertise in the newspaper. They have bought into the concept that “digital advertising is cheaper than print.” However When you consider that the average cost of an ad on Google ads is £2.01 per click, or that the average small business spends between £7,000 and £10,000 per month on Google ads, you have to really ask yourself how much of that cost results in revenue?

Research over the last 4 years have consistently shown that Customers are Driven to make Purchasing decisions easily when they see print ads found in newspapers and magazines.

 How much does Newspaper Advertising Cost


Gezow Newspaper offers plenty of options. Advertising packages prices go from £25 for a small classified ads.

The Gezow readership:

  • Readership: 150,000 readers every Week
  • Main target audience:  25-65 years old demographic
  • Gezow readers have a family income of over £30K


 According to Sun’s media packages prices go from £80 for a small classified ad to £16,500 for a 34 x 8 ad

The Sun readership:

  • Readership: 4.2 million readers daily
  • Main target audience: 32% ABC1 demographic
  • 404,000 sun readers have a family income of over £50K

ClassifiedLane  NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING COSTS click here to start 

 Media packages for Classified Lane prices go from £45 for a small classified ad

The Classifiedlane readership:


  • Readership: 250,000 readers every week
  • Main target audience: demographic
  • ClassifiedLane  readers have a family income of over £50K


Daily Mail Advertising Rates

Daily Mail  classified ad spaces for prices starting from £300

Daily Mail readership

  • Circulation: 1.2 million
  • Main target audience: lower-middle-class British women