Steam trap valve manufacturers in Mexico

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  • Ad ID: 79815

  • Added: September 30, 2024

  • Views: 14


South American Valve are leading Steam Trap valve manufacturers in Mexico. A Steam Trap valve is an integration part of Steam systems where the task is to pass all condensate, air and all other non-condensable gasses out and steam in the proper way to avoid many problems. There are different types of these valves for instance mechanical, thermostatic and thermodynamic steam traps, each of them working in different principles but with the common purpose of their operation.

South American Valve are top Steam Trap valve manufacturers in Mexico. Steam traps play an important role in heat exchangers, steam header pipelines, and process equipment, thus ensuring efficient heat transfer, avoiding water hammering and effective performance of equipment. Some of the aspects of the steam trap valves include efficiency in the conservation of heat, their ability to endure tough environments as well as their ability to operate for long periods of time with minimal maintenance. It is important to check the devices frequently, perform tests and replace them on time to ensure proper operation and high efficiency of the entire system.

What is the use of the Steam Trap valve?
A steam trap valve is one critical valve in a steam system whose function is to properly open and close to enable the drainage out of condensate and non-condensable gasses but at the same time allowing steam to pass through. Basically, its purpose is to release condensate – water that is produced when steam has cooled down – without releasing the actual steam. In this way, the steam trap valve avoids multiple problems associated with such things as water hammer, corrosion, and blockages to pipes and equipment, when it gets rid of condensate properly. This also aids in preserving the steam system as a whole, and in making sure that the steam lines contain only steam to enhance the heat exchange efficiency, thus saving energy. Valves’ proper actuation in steam traps minimizes occurrence of disruptions in steam systems, its functionality, and utility across different applications.

Thermostatic steam trap
Thermodynamic steam trap
Inverted bucket steam trap
Bimetallic steam trap
Ball float steam trap

Improved system efficiency
Prevention of water hammer
Reduced maintenance
Increased system lifespan
Improved product quality

Power Generation Plants
Oil and Gas Industry
Pulp and Paper Industry
Textile Industry
Chemical Industry

Body Material: Carbon steel, Ductile iron, Stainless steel (SS304, SS316), Cast iron, Forged steel (A105, F11, F22)
Size: 1/2″ to 2″
Nominal Pressure: PN10 to PN250
Class: 150 to 300
Ends : butt weld, socket weld, threaded, flanged

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